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Anatoly Fokanov


"His performance, using only his voice deserves all acclaims. His never failing voice, excellent acting and characterizing ability all tell us that Anatoly Fokanov, after spending more than 20 years on the stage of the Opera House, is a still defining, or what is more, an indispensable member of our opera scene."

Verdi : Les vepres siciliennes  2013.
Dániel Mona

"Mr. Anatoly Fokanov assumed the role of Monforte like a chameleon. The elegant, rigid characters with a lot of power suit him very well, so this fit him perfectly, too. With his swept-back grey hair and tight uniform he was the spitted image of a governor. His voice reliably delivered the usual experience, and at this time the best moments came when he sang with Attila Fekete in the role of his son. Father and son, baritone and tenor… their voices perfectly complemented each other, while the two unmistakeable voices topped each other in expressing the feelings of the characters of the duet."

Verdi: Simon Boccanegra 2011.
Karoly Fulop - Opera-Világ

"Anatoly Fokanov made debut in an overwhelming voice shape in the title role. He formed the role of the tragic-fated doge faultlessly and effectively. Fokanov was shocking in forming the dying old man ; his last duet with István Rácz proved to be the most cathartic moment of the performance."

Verdi : I vespri Siciliani 2009.
László Péterfi Nagy

„One of the central characters in the exciting plot of the opera is Guido de Monforte, the tyrant who finds his child, played by Anatoly Fokanov. With his well-deserved success the Russian singer has proved again that he is the worthy depositary of the great Italian baritone characters."

Verdi : I vespri Siciliani 2009.
Eszter Veronika Kiss - Magyar Nemzet

"Anatoly Fokanov too demonstrates with great subtlety the numerous emotional levels and stages comprised in his role ."

Verdi : I vespri Siciliani 2009.
Tibor Várkonyi - Népszava Szép Szó

"The displeasing Monforte, the governor leading the invaders, who at the same time struggles with his fatherly emotions, is played by the baritone singer, Anatoly Fokanov. In this role he is currently perhaps the greatest personality of the Hungarian State Opera, a largescale performance both in voice and character- painting. He totally deserved the frenetic applause from his loyal audience."

Verdi : I vespri Siciliani 2009.
Balázs Csák -

"I have positive recollections of the widely popular Anatoly Fokanov , the baritone singer playing Monforte: a nice voice, an authentic singer, who always plays his roles with great feeling. This time he has surpassed himself: Monforte spends plenty of time on stage, his part is quite strenuous and this role too is full high-pitched notes. The performance was interrupted by applause a couple of times, nevertheless the most frenetic applause burst out after the great duet of Arrigo and Monforte, and it was well-deserved: " the air started to glow " during the duet , we can seldom hear such a frenetic applause during a performance at the Hungarian State Opera."

Giordano : André Chénier in the Opera House 2008. - Ildikó Lehotka -

"The sound and dramatic solutions in case of Anatoly Fokanov were born in good constellation. Fokanov proved his skill several times not only in the art of opera, but in oratorios and concerts, as well. His extraordinarily nice and particulalry toned voice can take a lot in the role of Gérard the intensive sound power, matched with the power of expression. As Giordano would write the role to him, the best performance of the evening was granted by the singer. It seemed, that his love and actions were more important, than those of the actor in the title role."

Verdi : Otello - Festival in Ferencváros BUDAPEST 2008. - András Csont -

"Anatoly Fokanov could move in the role of Jago absolutely naturally and elegantly.There was some playfulnes in his interpretation, in the Credo he showed not so much a demon, but a man who enjoys his talent, manipulative abilities at a high degree, and was able to maintain excellently his sound during the whole part.He was playing with the people and played with the public, too. He has shown one of the most consistent performance."

Doyle : Music From Movies
Royal Albert Hall - London - 2007.

"Baritone Anatoly Fokanov sang Doyle's evocative "The Land" from that score, raising the hair on the back of everyone's neck."

New Musical Periodical - Radio Bartók,
April 19, 2007.

"Anatoly Fokanov sang the last part on his brilliant melodious voice. This is the way to end a wonderful concert."

Hungarian Nation - 2006. - Szilveszter Ókovács

"The Gérard of Fokanov would have won outstanding qualification anywhere in the world, he was reliable and fantastic."

Miklós Fáy Life and Literature ( ÉS ) 2006.(Samson et Dalila )

"Anatoly Fokanov, on the other side of the podium, attains the international first class level, marvellous voice, unequivocal, clear, powerful and professional."

Don Luis de Vargas 2006.

"Anatoly Fokanov, one of the best performing Hungarian baritones, played the Count. His exceptional personality and cool elegance once again provided a wonderful evening for opera lovers. The trio in the second scene, then the amourous aria beginning "Il balen di suo sorriso" in Act II, after that the marching solo accompanied by the choir and then the duet with Leonora were all great moments of the performance. Nonetheless, the true high point was undoubtedly the Count Luna - Leonora duet. The true ardour and passion of Verdi's music came out so perfectly from Cserna and Fokanov that they would have won thunderous applause and ovation anywhere in the world, just as they did in the Erkel Theatre on December 22. Their celebration lasted a long, long time!"

Géza Fodor, Muzsika 2003.

"In the role of Graf Tomskij Anatoly Fokanov flourished; he is a very adaptable stage personality. He is humorous and his acting is superior. He is an excellent artist whose membership of the Budapest Opera House Company must be highly valued."

Devich Márton, Budapest Verdi Festival, 2000.

"The person whose dependable and outstanding performance must be highlighted is Anatoly Fokanov: his Conte Luna is world class."

Ilona Tokody on the premiere of Il Trovatore (Márton Devich, 1996.)

"I am happy that the choice has now fallen on Anatoly Fokanov who I believe is an outstanding artist. I knew him as Iago and I consider him to be one of the best Verdi baritones. This is not only because of his voice but also because of his intelligence. Fokanov always acts as a gentleman on stage, which is important to this role, and he is also a gentleman in real life. It is a privilege to work with him."

Telephone conversation with Éva Marton, 1996.

"Anatoly Fokanov is a real win for the Hungarian opera. He is an exceptionally sympathetic and reliable singer. Even though his soul is still Russian, in his heart he is already Hungarian. I am happy to have him as my guest."

Ádám BÅ‘sze (Magyar Nemzet)
Lucia di Lammermoor 1995.

"Anatoly Fokanov is the other important figure in the performance. He started to sing unfaultingly and his voice was charged with feeling. His highly trained voice - in both high and low ranges - together with his clear intonation put him among the best at the premiere."

László Dalos (Pesti Hírlap) 1994.

"It is a long time since we so much enjoyed a performance of Oniegin. Truly, with Anatoly Fokanov, we could listen to a really credible lead performer who sings with the same tonality at all levels of pitch and who is a big gain for our opera house."

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